VII International cross-curricular competition in Science, English, Mathematics for school children for 7 years now.
VII International cross-curricular competition in Science, English, Mathematics for school children.
For 7 years now, Online Language School Knowledge Space s.r.o., Czech Republic and JandS Company, Russia, together with their partners, have been running the International cross-curricular competition “SEMester” that offers students a chance to share their ideas and opinions with the world. To make our competition up-to-date and challenging for students we change its foci every year, highlighting the most important issues of the world. This year we joined the initiative of The United Nations and devoted SEMester 2020 to Environment and Plant Health.
More than 2500 shool children fromRussia, Kazachstan, Czeck Respublic took part in the SEMester competition.. The winners were awarded the prizes and grants for the educational courses from our partners.
SEMester -2020 program
Stage 1: Сomplete online tasks on Mathematics, Biology and English
The tasks are available from 13 January, 2020
Year 5-6 (11-12 years old)
Year 7-8 (13-14 years old)
Year 9-11 (15-17 years old)
Česká republika, Praha 3, Nitranská 1459/11, 130 00 Vinohrady
+420 776 609 912 (Прага)
+7 968 105 1547 (Россия)
WhatsApp: +7 (968) 105 1547
Viber: +7 (968) 105 1547