SEMester – 2020

VII International cross-curricular competition in Science, English, Mathematics for school children for 7 years now.

International cross-curricular competition «SEMester»

(Science, English, Mathematics) March 23 - May 22, 2020
Environment and Plant Health 

VII International Сross-curricular Сompetition in Science, English, Mathematics in English for the students of Secondary schools aged 12 to 17.

For 7 years now, Online Language School Knowledge Space s.r.o., Czech Republic and JandS Company, Russia, in close collaboration with their partners, have been running the International Cross-curricular Competition “SEMester” that offers students a chance to share their ideas and opinions with the world.
To make our competition up-to-date and challenging for students we change its foci every year, highlighting the most important issues of the world. This year we join the initiative of The United Nations and devote SEMester 2020 to Environment and Plant.

Stage 1: Сomplete online tasks on Mathematics, Biology and English
The tasks are available from 23 March, 2020

Year 5-6 (11-12 years old)

Year 7-8 (13-14 years old)

Year 9-11 (15-17 years old)

How to take part?

March 23 - April 19, 2020

Сomplete online tasks on Mathematics, Biology and English

April 20 - May 17, 2020

Carry out a short scientific research and prepare its presentation

May 18 - May 22, 2020

Present your research to jury and get Certificates of Participation, Diplomas and prizes.

Our partners

  • The largest state university in the Czech Republic. Located in Prague. The university was founded in 1953. Currently, more than 17,000 people study at the university, 8% of them are foreigners, including 737 students from Russia. The main emphasis is on the study of banking and international relations.

    Prague University of Economics Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
  • Czech Technical University (ČVUT) in Prague was founded in the early 18th century. And if then only few people were interested in “engineering art”, then today it is a real technical world, in which there are 22,000 students from different countries.

    (ČVUT) České vysoké učení technické v Praze
  • A private university in the Vinohrady district of Prague, founded in 2004. It consists of three schools with about 550 students, and a research center. About 35% of the students are Czech, and the rest are from about 80 countries of the world.

    Prague College
  • AAU is one of the leading private universities in the Czech Republic. Founded in Prague in 1990. It became one of the first private educational institutions in the Czech Republic and the first private university to teach in English. The purpose of the founders of this school was to combine the principles of American and British education with Czech traditions.

    Anglo-American University (AAU)
  • Since 1998, UNYP has been offering the best higher education in English in Central Europe. The university conducts training in partnership with the prestigious international universities of the USA and Europe

    University of New York in Prague
Take part in the competition

SEMESTER is 6 years old. Let’s remember how it was in 2015-2019.

Over 6 years of the competition, over 2500 students from Russia and Kazakhstan have become its participants.

2019 год

VI SEMester:-2019
The Greatest Scientific

The contest participants created interesting research papers and successfully presented them to the jury. The jury was delighted with the variety of selected scientific topics for research works  and the experiments conducted during the defense of the projects.

2018 год

V SEMester:
European cultural heritage

The 5th SEMester contest was dedicated to the year of the national heritage of Europe.

Over 5 years, more than 1600 schoolchildren from 28 cities of Russia and Kazakhstan took part in the competition.

2017 год

IV SEMester:
Time to travel

In 4 years, Semester has become a long-awaited event for children from 27 cities of Russia and neighboring countries. Over 1300 schoolchildren have already taken part in the contest.
In 2017, 222 students from 20 cities of Russia and Kazakhstan fought for the victory.

2016 год

III SEMester:

Dedicated to the work of William Shakespeare. In 2016, students from 19 cities participated in the competition.
The winners of the SEMester mathematics, geography, biology, chemistry contest received grants for the online programs Speak Now and Pathway online – learning Czech and English language.

2015 год

II SEMester:

Over 450 schoolchildren from 6 Russsian cities took part in the competition: Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk and Omsk Region, Rubtsovsk, Tomsk.
The winners received grants for the courses at “British School” Knowledge Space s.r.o., as well as pleasant and useful bonuses from partners of the competition.

Join the 2,500 contestants right now

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